Message Title: The Spirit of Jesus and Prayer
Message Truth: The Holy Spirit is the Silent Shepherd
Message Text: John 3:1-8
Three Truths About How the Spirit of God Works
- The Spirit Works Where He is Honored
- Do not grieve (sadden or cause pain) the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30)
- Do not quench the Spirit (to stop or limit) (1 Thess. 5:19)
- “Be Filled” meaning- pleero — To move along to obedience, to permeate like a tea bag, to be controlled by (filled)
2. The Spirit Works to Elevate Jesus Kingdom, Not Our Kingdom.
3. The Spirit Works How and When He Chooses
The Gospels: A Praying Person (Jesus)
“While it was still dark, Jesus got up and went to a solitary place to pray.” Mark 1:35
Prayer saturates Jesus’s life, but prayer for Jesus is no mere discipline. It’s how the fully human Jesus does life in step with the Spirit. Jesus receives the gift of the Spirit while he is praying.”
Jesus went from prayer to prayer and did life in between.
Acts: Jesus Gets Inside
- The Jesus in you is better than the Jesus beside you
After his resurrection, Jesus gets inside his disciples: “He breathed on them and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:22
Why do we not totally surrender to the Holy Spirit of God I our lives:’
- Afraid of giving something up
- Don’t believe He’s real or can make a difference
3.The Unknown – what will happen
Treat my Body as the Temple
My mind
My Spirit
God will pull you out of the deepest pit, but he won’t get you out of your lazy chair.
Procrastination and compromise