Jesus is Coming for His People

Message Title: Jesus Is Coming for His People 

Message Text: Mark 13 


Stage 1 – Kingdom Creation (Ought) – The way things ought to be from original creation. 

Stage 2- Kingdom Corruption (Is) – The way it is now because of sin.  Sin is man’s rebellion against God wanting to be his own ruler and defining right from wrong. 

Stage 3- Kingdom Redemption (Can) – Because of Jesus taking the punishment of sin on himself, we can be restored to a right relationship with God. 

  1. Jesus is born in the likeness of man to take the sin of man.
  2. Jesus lived a holy perfect life to fulfill the law of righteousness.
  3. Jesus took the punishment of sin so mankind can be reconciled with God.
  4. Jesus tells his disciples what the signs will be before His return.
  5. Jesus ascends into the presence of the Father and announces He is coming back.
  6. Jesus gives the final marching orders. Stop worrying about what you don’t know and apply what you do know. (Acts 1:8)


Stage 4 -Kingdom Restoration (Will) – God will restore (fix) both heaven and earth to its original “goodness” 

  1. Before the restoration the “saved” Church will be caught up (I Thess. 4)
  2. There will be a 7 year period called the Tribulation period.
  • 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 In the middle of the 7 year period the man of lawlessness will desecrate the Temple. “Abomination of Desolation”
  1. At the end of the 7 year tribulation period Jesus will come a second time as the warrior King.
  • We all want God’s best but are we willing to give our best (time, money, obedience, loyalty)
  • We do not slip into eternity with God – we are born again of a new nature which leads to new attitudes and actions.


Challenge: Are you one of His people? 


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