Message Title: Jesus Is Coming for His People
Message Text: Mark 13
Stage 1 – Kingdom Creation (Ought) – The way things ought to be from original creation.
Stage 2- Kingdom Corruption (Is) – The way it is now because of sin. Sin is man’s rebellion against God wanting to be his own ruler and defining right from wrong.
Stage 3- Kingdom Redemption (Can) – Because of Jesus taking the punishment of sin on himself, we can be restored to a right relationship with God.
- Jesus is born in the likeness of man to take the sin of man.
- Jesus lived a holy perfect life to fulfill the law of righteousness.
- Jesus took the punishment of sin so mankind can be reconciled with God.
- Jesus tells his disciples what the signs will be before His return.
- Jesus ascends into the presence of the Father and announces He is coming back.
- Jesus gives the final marching orders. Stop worrying about what you don’t know and apply what you do know. (Acts 1:8)
Stage 4 -Kingdom Restoration (Will) – God will restore (fix) both heaven and earth to its original “goodness”
- Before the restoration the “saved” Church will be caught up (I Thess. 4)
- There will be a 7 year period called the Tribulation period.
- 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 In the middle of the 7 year period the man of lawlessness will desecrate the Temple. “Abomination of Desolation”
- At the end of the 7 year tribulation period Jesus will come a second time as the warrior King.
- We all want God’s best but are we willing to give our best (time, money, obedience, loyalty)
- We do not slip into eternity with God – we are born again of a new nature which leads to new attitudes and actions.
Challenge: Are you one of His people?