The Effectiveness of God’s Way
Trusting God in our weakness helps us see the power and glory of God.
Exodus 3
When we choose to submit to the Lord’s way, He’ll do amazing things in and through our life. Despite Moses’ failures, he was still used in accomplishing God’s purposes, but only after becoming usable—that is, humbled and broken of his self-will. Just consider what God achieved when Moses relinquished control:
- He showed what He could do through one yielded person.
- He proved the superiority of His way by freeing an estimated two million people without the loss of a single Hebrew life.
- He sent impoverished slaves out of bondage with their captors’ riches (Ex. 3:21-22).
- He demonstrated to both the Israelites and the Egyptians that He alone is the God of heaven and earth.
- He received all the glory.
Our past failures never prevent God’s willingness or ability to use us. In fact, our weakness is a great opportunity for the display of His power (2 Corinthians 12:9). In our own strength, we are ineffective. But when we submit to the Lord’s authority in our life, we can experience His victory in whatever He calls us to do.
For the Kingdom