Message Title: On Earth as It Is in Heaven
Message Truth: If God answered every one of your prayers in the last week, how would it change the world? Or just your world?
Message Text: Matthew 6:9-10
On earth as it is in heaven is called “intercessory prayer” the Hebrew word is “paga” Greek “enteuxis” which means “to come between.”
- 1st Half– The first half of the prayer gets us into gods reality: Your Name, Your Kingdom, Your Will. (Your, Your, Your)
- 2nd Half – The second half invites God to enter our reality: Give, Us, Forgive Us, Lead Us. (Us, Us, Us,)
God’s Original Plan
1.Creation: The Life God Intended
Why were we created? “Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Genesis 1:26
2.Corrunption: The Life we Actually live (Genesis 3- Revelation 22) What went wrong?
- Sin causes men and women to be twisted in on themselves. We are self-righteous, self-dependent and self-serving. We gave the rule over to the adversary.
3.Promise: Coming Savior. How will it be fixed?
- Jesus came back to win back what was lost. So, to pray in the name in Jesus means to pray in Jesus authority.
4.Jesus: The Restoration of Prayer (Four Truths on Prayer)
- Jesus showed us that prayer is the pathway to get back into the original plan. – The life God intended.
- Prayer is the way we rule, manage and intercede for this world and push back on evil.
- God does not need intercessors, He chooses intercessors. Prayer is a means.
- We dream of a God that brings heaven to earth; God dreams of praying people to share heaven with.